Tag Archives: oscars

The Oscars and Forgetting Spouses

I was a little disturbed this week at a headline I saw about the upcoming Oscars Awards show coming up in about a week. Moviefone, which I believe is related to AOL and the Hufifngton Post, is taking a poll about who will forget their spouse in their speech.

Based on the (very loose) research I did, I could only find that this has only happened a few times. Mauro Fiore (pictured above) back in 2010, Hillary Swank in 2000, and  Philip Seymour Hoffman forgot to thank his girlfriend in 2006. I’m sure it has happened several more times between all the awards shows there are, but is it something to set up a poll about? Accidents happen, and I’m sure forgetting their spouse (fiance, girlfriend, boyfriend, etc…) wasn’t on purpose. I do think it would be a great opportunity to honor your spouse (or significant other) as I think we should be looking for those opportunities all the time.

Now, I do understand that I might possibly be overreacting about this, but I think it’s past time that we stop making marriages and relationships the brunt of a joke. Marriages are important. In my opinion, the stability of the family echoes the stability of a nation. I recently heard that one country is starting to offer marriage certificates that expire in 7 years. At the end of the 7 years, you can renew or not renew. A non-renewal is not viewed as a divorce!

So, what’s the point? Not sure. I wonder if this might be turning into more a rant than anything else. I just think we need to stop playing with the idea that someone might mess-up with the spouses. We need to be honoring marriages, supporting marriages, fighting for them, and praying for them. I think a strong marriage is more valuable than an Oscar anyway.

Let’s let the Oscar’s just be the Oscar’s and let marriage (relationships) be sacred.

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Posted by on February 20, 2012 in Relationships


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